Inspire Industries Pvt Ltd is one of the major concerns of Mahavir Global Group which is into energy trade. The trading firm has made its presence felt by performing outstandingly in the most adverse conditions. Inspire Industries Pvt Ltd. ? A company constituted with the sole intention of rapidly growing into a large Industrial house of India took the first step by learning the various dimensions to the core activity of trading and transportation of Indigenous coal that was currently being done by its sister concerns. The mile stone in this direction is already achieved by touching the figure of 5 LAC MT Of Trading & Transportation business aprox Volume in financial terms being 30 crores in short span of 6 months from SPT 08 to March 09.On logistics front Inspire Industries Pvt Ltd is already handling more than 40 LAC MT a year finanacial value of the business being 5 crores a year. The company has now started moving forward towards its ambitious plans with the upcoming Coal Washeries of 1 million tonn capacity each at Akaltara Baloda & Bilaspur (C.G). The land for both the projects has already been acquired keeping into consideration the future expansion into power plant & privately owned railway siding.The process of taking the necessary government approval & sanctions relating to environment & pollution is in its last stage of formalities. So by the end of the current financial year the Akaltara Baloda washery will come into production. The strength of the company lies in its network across the country at prominent cities and coalfields which is developed in order to provide the ultimate consumer satisfaction in respect of the sourcing beneficiating trading and transportation of different types of coal. Inspire Industries Pvt. Limited is currently dealing into coal trading via the below mentioned mediums : ? Indigenous coal & Import coal trade: ? Washing of coal into our wash plants. In indigenous coal trade we purchase coal from subsidiaries of coal India limited and deliver to our customers with the best competitive rates. In Import coal we have established tie-ups with the mine owners in Indonesia. Due to having strong presence in Indonesia we are in a position to offer varied quality of coal to any port in India. Currently we are dealing in Indonesian origin steam coal and planning to import from South Africa Australia and china also. Understanding the nations concerns on environmental friendly energy source. Being a proud participant of this growing economy we felt it our responsibility to provide clean energy to this great country. For the same purpose we offer our service of washing coal to industries and owner of coal commodity. We are currently providing wash services from the Spectrum Coal & Power Ltd Aryan Coal benification Pvt Ltd both being our mentors & Bussiness associates since more then two decades Kartikey Coal washery Chadrapur (M.H) & Mahvir coal benification pvt ltd Budhar (M.P) a washery owned by our parent group with well equipped loading facility both by road & rail. We have strong established and thick network of sister concerns depots for Sales & Services in fields & prominent cities of India list of which is appended for perusal. The vast network of offices & depots is well equipped with adequate infrastructure including large fleet of Trucks Trailers and other equipments ensuring prompt delivery of material and time bound fulfillment of commitments towards consumers. Our customers comprise of small and big units of high repute of core sector industries like Steel Cement Paper Copper Aluminum Fiber Pharmaceutical Textile and also the various small scale industries in addition to the brick manufacturers list of these customers is enclosed herewith for your ready reference.
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Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh